Wednesday 15 February 2017


STEM” is the acronym of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. Today we began our STEM learning. This is where different concepts are integrated and taught together. It can be around a problem and is project based learning.
We watched a video about the history of catapults and how effective they were as a weapon. Next we watched how to make a catapult and discussed how we could investigate, gather data and measure our results therefore incorporating a variety of Mathematical concepts-Measuring and Statistics.

We collected what we needed.

We watched the video carefully.

 We worked together and shared our ideas helping each other.

Blake focused and building his catapult.

 The finished catapult. Now we will be using these to investigate Measurement and Statistics.

Daniel created another concept of a catapult .

We made need to make changes to our first prototype.

Alan looking very pleased with his effort.

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