Tuesday 21 February 2017

Pepeha Sharing

The pepeha is the way in which you introduce yourself in Maori. 
For us to learn more about each other and what makes us unique we created a pepeha.
Today we shared with different buddies in our classroom to learn more about each other.
We shared about our family or whananu.
Daniel listened to Liam share his pepeha.

Shaun had great delight in telling Cyrus all about his family.

London read her pepeha to Antonik.

Daniel was proud of his English background.

Zia told Ilhan she was from South Africa .

Joanna shared her cultural heritage of China with Patrick.

Callum told Blake he was from South Africa and Blake shared his mum is from the Czech republic.

Sienna shared with Isla all about her pets at home.

Bella and Sophie talked about their mum and dads and what they liked best.

Scarlett told Kiera all about her family.

Cyrus shared his family celebrate Indian culture in their home.

Sarah told Amber she was from Iran.

Antonik shared with Nathan that his family come from Cambodia.

Wednesday 15 February 2017


STEM” is the acronym of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. Today we began our STEM learning. This is where different concepts are integrated and taught together. It can be around a problem and is project based learning.
We watched a video about the history of catapults and how effective they were as a weapon. Next we watched how to make a catapult and discussed how we could investigate, gather data and measure our results therefore incorporating a variety of Mathematical concepts-Measuring and Statistics.

We collected what we needed.

We watched the video carefully.

 We worked together and shared our ideas helping each other.

Blake focused and building his catapult.

 The finished catapult. Now we will be using these to investigate Measurement and Statistics.

Daniel created another concept of a catapult .

We made need to make changes to our first prototype.

Alan looking very pleased with his effort.

Tuesday 14 February 2017

Gigantic Dream Zone

In Room 9 this is where we dream big, believe in ourselves and achieve our aspirations.
To inspire our learning this year we have been reading " The BFG" and thinking about "our Dreams" and what they might be.
Today we made dream catchers to catch our dreams and goals this year.

We worked together to solve our problems of threading the needle and adding the beads.

We cooperated and helped each other.
We are very proud of our finished dream catchers.
 We needed to use maths today to measure around the plate to place the clock numbers for our spacing. Our wool needed to be a certain length.

Thursday 2 February 2017


We discussed how we need to manage ourselves and make wise choices for our learning.


We also laughed a lot!

Inspiration Back to school

We watched and discussed this video.


Day One

Welcome to Year 4
Here is a little goodie bag to help kick off the year,
The rubber is to remind you that it‘s OK to make mistakes,
We’ll work together no matter what it takes.
The stickers mean we’ll together and work as a team.
The bookmark is to show, you will always have a place.
If you ever feel lost, we’ll help you find your space.
The smarties are to remind you how smart I think you are.
The pen is to record your dreams
No matter big or small, an inspiration to all.
Work hard and do your best
Remember to aim far.
This is Room 9 reading their verse and opening their Goodie bag in Week 1 term 1 2017.

 Reading and discovering what was inside.

 How happy we all are with our goodies and their message.